Bohemio Nació para triunfar, y la victoria desdeño con estoica altanería. Fue se existencia una ruidosa orgía, y un largo sueño su perdida historia. Nostálgico del arte y de la gloria, cuyo sublime vértigo sentía, deshojó con sarcástica alegría el laurel prometido en su memoria. Su noble corazón se hizo pedazos al golpe rudo de su horrible suerte. Y rotos ya los terrenales lazos, de su brillante juventud cansada, hundiéndose en la noche de la muerte, huyó del mundo y se perdió en la nada. |
Bohemian He was born to triumph, and victory he scorned with stoical arrogance. His existence was a turbulent orgy, and a long dream was his ruined history. Nostalgic of the arts and the glory, of which he felt the sublime vertigo, with sarcastic glee, he tore the leaves of the laurels promised in his memory. His noble heart was torn in pieces by the cruel blows of his horrible fate. And now broken his earthly ties, of his brilliant tired youth, sinking into night's death, he fled the world into nothingness. |